Answers to questions about Kundalini Awakening:

Kundalini Awakened Mystic Indira addresses some common questions about Kundalini Awakening, the enlightenment process or The Dark Night of the Soul. Indira answers according to her own experience and understanding.

1. What is a Kundalini Awakening?

It is a spiritual transformation process involving the release of hidden energy in the body making a person a Mystic.
Kundalini is a Sanskrit word meaning coiled snake because when the energy is released it is like a coiled snake springing up.
Other terms would be the process of Enlightenment used by the Buddhist or Catholics know it as The Dark Night of the Soul, they also know it as the actualization process or Incendium Amorous, Latin for Fire of Love.
Kundalini has no prejudice, it can happen to anyone of any faith or culture.

2. What happens when you have a Kundalini Awakening?

There is something like a large blanket that covers humanity barring humanity from the spirit world. When one experiences a Kundalini Awakening it is as if they pierce through this blanket and now have access to the spiritual world or the supernatural world and the spiritual world has access to them.

3. How do you get a Kundalini Awakening?

Normally this hidden energy that resides in all people is released at the point of death in order to push the soul out of the body. However this energy can be released prematurely which is known as a Kundalini Awakening. There are four main practices that may lead to a Kundalini Awakening:
1 - RIGHT LIVING: If you are a Christian this would entail obeying the Ten Commandments and loving your neighbour as you love yourself. If you are a yogi that would entail obeying the five yamas and 5 niyamas which are similar to The Ten Commandments.
2 - DISCIPLINE:  Such as practicing fasting for spiritual reasons, perfecting postures in yoga or some other form of extreme discipline.
3 - MEDITATION: Usually practicing meditation for several years. Meditation meaning focussing your attention inward and on one thing such as mantras, a colour, light, sound etc.
4 - A SEEKING HEART: Greatly wanting to know more about God and the universe.

4. How do you know if you have had a Kundalini Awakening?

There are many signs of a Kundalini Awakening but no one experiences all of the signs. Here the most common signs are covered:
- a feeling of energy exploding in your body
- kriyas which are spontaneous bodily movements
- supernatural phenomena occurring
- The Ego Death, but don't worry the ego bounces back :)
- supernatural love and peace flowing through your body and spirit
- pain in the heart chakra
- distinctly feeling your chakras by their energy
- purging, usually dry heaving sometimes causing vomiting
- heightened intuition
- amazing synchronicities
- falling into states of meditation for hours at a time
- experiencing a state of bliss

5. Are these phenomena everlasting?

On average it takes three years before the body begins to acclimatize to the energy but it could take much longer. After that the phenomena begins to die down. The Kundalini Awakened person is known to receive supernatural gifts that can last the rest of their life.

6. Are there any other way to experience a Kundalini Awakening?

Yes other ways would be by:
- use of illicit drugs
- a near-death experience
- shaktipat by a guru or impartment by a spiritual leader
- meeting your twin flame
Or a combination of these things with meditation

I hope this helps to clarify the basic aspects of a Kundalini Awakening.
God bless you and Namaste,
Indira इन्दिरा

To read part of Indira's Kundalini story go to:
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To see Indira's video on this topic go to


Indira Noro