8. Indira's Forgiveness Meditation
Indira's Forgiveness Meditation
Come to your comfortably seated position.
Today we are all gathered here as yogis and as yogis our goal is to ascend our soul by awakening. We cannot ascend to the heights with unforgiveness in our hearts. When we understand this we are already beginning to awaken.
It is easier to forgive when we understand that those who have hurt us are still asleep. We cannot expect the sleeping to engage with their higher consciousness and to understand what they have done to hurt us just as we do not expect a small child to understand lofty philosophies.
Keep in mind that we are eternal beings and that everything of this world is passing away quickly. If we keep this eternal perspective we will realize that most things we thought were a big deal were not such a big deal after all.
The great prophet and mystic Yeshua taught us to forgive under the most extreme of circumstances. As he was being tortured he said to the Divine, "Forgive them they know what not what they have done." He understood that his torturers did not know what they had done because they were asleep.
Also the great prophet could forgive under extreme circumstances because he was completely filled with love.
Let us remember my formula: forgiveness + gratitude = peace + joy.
We will begin by filling each chakra with the love that we receive from the Divine. When we have been completely filled with love there will be no room for unforgiveness, hate or fear. We acknowledge that since we are human the feelings of unforgiveness may eventually return which is often the case however each time we practice in this forgiveness meditation we get closer to the goal of permanent forgiveness.
Envision the white light of love entering through the top of our head, the CROWN CHAKRA, and descending through all our chakras and settling in our ROOT CHAKRA. The ROOT CHAKRA is located at the base of the spine and at the feet, the colour is red, it symbolizes survival. Envision your buttocks, legs and feet glowing with this white loving light.
Moving up to the SACRAL CHAKRA. The SACRAL CHAKRA is located in your lower abdomen area, the colour is orange, it symbolizes pleasure, sexuality and desire. Envision the white light of Love filling the lower abdomen area.
Raise the white light of Love to your SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA. The SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA is located in the navel area, the colour is yellow, it symbolizes ego, power and will. Envision the White light of Love filling the whole center of your being.
Draw the white light of Love into your HEART CHAKRA. The HEART CHAKRA is located in the chest area yet it extends along the arms to the fingertips, the colour is green, it symbolizes love and relationships. Envision the white light filling your whole chest area, your arms and your hands. Feel the white light expanding your soul beyond the limits of your body. Imagine your arms outstretched and enfolding around the souls that you are intent on forgiving.
Raising the white light to your THROAT CHAKRA. The THROAT CHAKRA is the colour blue, it symbolizes communication. Know that you are awakening to the Universal Unconsciousness, you are ascending. You can trust the Divine, you do not need to avenge yourself, the Divine is just and is working everything out according to the best design. Just as the good parent handles the quarrel between their children the Divine does not need your help in disciplining the unawakened, the unmature. Hear yourself speak the words, 'I forgive you.' Send these words to those you are forgiving from this your communication chakra.
Moving the white light of Love to your THIRD EYE CHAKRA located between your eyebrows, the colour is violet, it symbolizes your intuition and supernatural abilities. Mindfully send your own self love, forgiveness and acceptance.
Ascend the white light of Love to your CROWN CHAKRA. At the CROWN CHAKRA envision a white light coming in and out of the top of your head. It symbolizes our higher consciousness joining with the Source of Life or surrender. Feel yourself completely encompassed in the light of Love. Envision your whole body and soul glowing with the white light of Love.
Join the white light of Love back to its source envisioning yourself becoming one with the Universal Consciousness, the Divine. You are so filled with love now that there is no room for unforgiveness, hate or fear.
We will end this guided meditation by visualizing breathing in the peace and love the Source of Life wants to bless you with and exhaling your peace, love and gratitude returning these blessings to the Source of Life and the world with 3 deep breaths.
Come to lay down in savasana. Feel your arms and legs growing heavy and the gravity of the earth pulling your body down towards the center of the Earth and your whole body melting into the Earth. Now focus on your breath for the next few minutes in savasana...
Begin to wiggle your fingers and toes hands and feet. Draw your knees into your chest and rock side to side. Then open your eyes and bring your hands together at Heart Center. Namaste.
Indira B-N इन्दिरा
During savasana we will listen to the song All Is Forgiven by Ashana:
View on Indira's YouTube channel Yoga for the Mature Woman - Indira's Kundalini Yoga https://youtu.be/F5eUTZlYXtw